State Veterans Legislative Update 31 March 2016; SB 1316

There has been some procedurals delay in SB 1316 in part due to our petitioning, so the Veterans against SB 1316 hasn’t gone to Senator Biggs yet.


If you didn’t sign on last night or this morning and would consider joining those of us who did sign on, please consider doing so this evening or early tomorrow by clicking on this l ink here or in the message below:


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Below is a draft “Veterans Against SB1316” letter that is planned for delivery to the President of the Arizona Senate ASAP.

For any of you who would like to have your name along with mine on a list of Veterans who oppose SB 1316, click on:


There you will see the letter again, and below it all you need to do is merely fill in the *Required ‘Your answer” responses after clicking just to the right of and below the respective “Your answer” phrases. That will produce a line and a blinking start point at the left end of the line where you can begin your entries. You can edit any of your entries before submitting by clicking at the right end of your entry to produce the line again. When done, hit “Submit” and your submission will be acknowledged. They require your Email address and phone number but they are included in the list that goes to the Senators


As we still do not have a schedule for when SB 1316 will bo on the calendar next (COW and/or Senate Floor), we would like to get this list of names ASAP today or tomorrow at the latest


Please join me in this effort,


Gene Fenstermacher


“Veterans Against SB1316

Dear Senator Biggs:

We are Arizonans that have proudly served our country over the years. Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine veterans coming together, and in one voice, speaking against the payday lender’s bill S1316 – the Flex Loan Act.

SB 1316 will allow lenders in Arizona to offer high-cost debt trap loan with a 204% APR. In 2006, and after a lengthy study, the Department of Defense said these types of high-cost loans are dangerous and harm “military readiness.” The findings of the study led the DoD to take action and issue rules that require all loans given to active military personnel and their families to have an all-in 36% APR.

Unfortunately these protections do not expand to veterans or inactive members of the National Guard.

The 514,000 Arizona veterans fought for all Americans. Though our active duty brothers and sisters are protected from these predatory loans, the most vulnerable among us are not. These loans aren’t just dangerous for active duty members of the military; they’re dangerous for all of Arizonans. That’s why we’re still fighting for them.

The Arizona Chapter of the Military Officers’ Association of America testified against this bill saying it “would leave our veterans vulnerable to usurious loans that are not only unfair, but also unnecessary.” The Navy-Marine Corps Society believes this bill is “harmful to veteran Sailors, Marines, and their families residing in Arizona.” We join their opposition by saying these loans trap vulnerable individuals in a cycle of debt that makes it impossible to escape.

In the military we believe there are some timeless principles of leadership. Among those we believe a leader should set an example and look out for the welfare of their people. That’s why we urge you to join the courageous example by Democrats and Republicans who stood up with the people of Arizona and voted NO on this predatory bill.

Republican Representatives Ackerley, Brophy-McGee, Barton, and Rivero, and the entire Democratic delegation in the House of Representatives showed the people of Arizona something that we in the military know too well, that it takes bravery to stand for what is right. And a similar stand was first seen in the Senate with Senator Kimberly Yee.

We have fought for our freedom, and yours. We insist that you not let predatory lenders lock our veterans into inescapable debt.

Thank you for your continued support of military veterans in the State of Arizona.
