*State Veterans Legislative Update 28 March 2016: SB 1316 S/E

Subject for use on the Email to be forwarded:  I Need Your Help


Predatory Lending Bill SB 1316 Passed in the Arizona House of Representatives by 31 to 26 with 3 not voting late on 21 March. There was an attempt to place it on the 22 March Caucus calendar but it was withheld by the chairperson to provide more time for the Senators get up to speed on the details.

We sent a fairly detailed 22 March Email to all Senators with the major details to help in that process and in anticipation of it appearing real soon on a Senate calendar, urging them to vote against SB 1316 when it does come up for a vote. 


After the long Easter weekend it has been suddenly placed on the Senate Caucus Calendar for tomorrow 29 March. Please consider sending the draft message at the end of this Email to all Arizona Senators ASAP this evening or early tomorrow per the instructions shown below


I am using a new Subject: “I Need Your Help” for the message to be forwarded to hopefully preclude some Pro-SB 1316 Senators from deleting the Email even before glancing at it, as was the case with several of them who received our 22 March Email and seeing the SB 1316 Subject line. You may use a different Subject line, or just use SB 1316 if you wish.


NOTE: If you get any responses to the last sentence in the draft message, send them the 22 March Email or forward their Email to me and I will send them the 22 March Email.



Email addresses with Semi-colons for all members of the Arizona Senate:

[email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected];


Senate Addresses With Commas:


[email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected],  [email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected],

               You might want to print this Email now to have the instructions below 

                                     available to facilitate using this process.

Guidance for processing and sending your Email.

When you are ready to forward the Message at the end of this text to all members of the Senate:

  1. Click on “Forward” from this message so that the attachment will be included with the message that will then be ready for final processing for sending. (Note: Clicking on “Forward” doesn’t send the message. It only sets it up to complete the processes below before hitting “Send”).
  2. Then delete the Subject line of the new message, and copy: I need your help here or at the beginning of the text of this Email and paste it on the Subject line.
  3. Edit the message that appears just below the blue line below if desired, and enter your name (and retired Rank if you are a Military Retiree) after the word ‘Respectfully‘ at the end of the message. Enter your address if desired, but that might tend to make the Representatives or their staff to delete your message if you are not a constituent before they read at least the first paragraph in the message. Consider just adding something like ”Concerned Arizona Veteran” after your name and rank.  If you are a constituent of one of the Senators, in addition to sending this Email to all Senate Members, please consider calling your Senator’s office with your concerns. Go to or click on www.azleg.govhere. At that site, click on Senate and then on Members on the drop down menu) to find their phone numbers.
  1. Copy Email addresses with Semi-colons for all members of the Arizona Senate:above (high light the addresses of all 30 members and then hit ‘Ctrl’ and ‘C’ simultaneously), and paste it on the Bcc: line (put your cursor on the Bcc: line above and then hit ‘Ctrl’ and ‘V’ simultaneously.


If you have problems with your system not allowing so many address at one time, break the group down into two groups for use in sending the message to those two groups.

And if your system rejects the use of Semi-colons separating the addresses, follow the above process using the group of addresses separated by Commas as shown above.

  1. Now High Light the blue line shown below (place your curser just below the blue line) and sweep upward across everything above it.
  2. Then hit “Delete” on your keyboard . That will leave just the Draft Message that now appearbelow the blue line as the text of your new Email.
  3. Then when you feel comfortable that you have completed all the steps correctly, and have added your  name at the end of the message, you can hit “Send” to send your Email.


Draft Message


Dear Senator,

Please stand with Senator Kinberly Yee and Senator Gail Griffin and other Republicans and Democrat colleagues in nonpartisan voting against the SB 1316 Strike Everything (S/E) predatory lending bill. Usurious predatory lending industry business model 180% and 204% annual percentage rate (APR) interest loans resulting in over $10,000 in payments on a $2500 loan over 2 years and over $2000 in payments on a $500 loan over 2 years are unacceptable under any circumstances. See Page 2 of the attached amortization table for an example.

Senator Yee defied political correctness and voted her conscious on 10 February to defeat predecessor Bill SB 1447. I urge you to stand up to the predatory lenders and their lobbyists and vote your conscience against SB 1316 S/E that got through the House in a very partisan manner. It is not a partisan issue. It affects everyone the same. And there are already better options available for help during urgent financial needs. They include charitable organizations like the St. Vincent DePaul Society, Veteran organizations such as VFW Posts and the Boots for Our Troops Foundation, the AZ Department of Veterans’ Services Military Family Relief Fund (MFRF) available for Post 9/11 Veterans, etc.

Don’t let your name appear as a YES on SB 1316 S/E along with those who have been so adversely influenced by the powerful no holds barred predatory lending industry lobbyists over the past couple of months. Senator Kimberly Yee, who voted her conscience, withstood the false targeting by the predatory lending industry and constituents and others have lauded her for it.  Please stand up to the predatory Lending industry lobbyists and vote your conscience and let your name appear as a NO on SB 1316S/E. Show Veterans across the state and your constituents where you stand in protecting the financially vulnerable among us from the usurious predatory lending industry.

And if you would like more detail on this issue, take a look at one the Emails that we sent to you on 22 March. And if you and/or your staff may have inadvertently deleted all of them, reply to this Email and request that a copy be resent and I will get one to you.




2016 AZ SB 1316 CFA Facsheet